IndependentWHO (IW) is a citizen movement set up by individuals and associations. Since 26 April 2007, every working day, from 8.00 till 18.00, the Hippocratic Vigils of IndependentWHO have held a permanent protest in front of the WHO headquarters in Geneva demanding that WHO fulfill its mission to bring all people to the highest possible standard of health, including in the area of radioprotection.

Nuclear Hotseat – Alison Katz of IndependentWHO – Health and Nuclear Power – 25 October 2017
UN/WHO Chernobyl LIES – Suppression of Critical Yablakov Book w/Devastating Stats
On “Nuclear Hotseat”, Alison Katz of IndependentWHO – Health and Nuclear Power, again helps us understand why the dangers released by Chernobyl have been so downplayed for decades. In her second major interview for Nuclear Hotseat, she reveals the suppression and dis-information campaign against the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, a compilation of over 500 health studies from Eastern European nations compiled by Prof. Alexei Yablokov.

Nuclear Hotseat – Alison Katz of IndependentWHO – Health and Nuclear Power – 17 September 2013
The WHO/IAEA Unholy Alliance and its Lies about Int’l Nuclear Health Stats. Special full-length interview with Alison Katz of Independent WHO on the history, politics and criminal negligence of the World Health Organization. She is a sociologist and psychologist who worked for WHO for 18 years and now is a spokesperson for the organization that wants WHO to do its job regarding nuclear dangers and international public health. Even if you think you understand this issue, you will be shocked by the specific instances where WHO has abdicated its power. You’ll also be inspired by an international tactic Katz proposes that has the potential to turn this issue around.
♦ Controversies
Documentary of 51 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003). In June 2001 in Kiev, the nuclear based experts of the IAEA and WHO maintain that the catastrophe of Tchernobyl made only 31 died “approximately”…
♦ Sacrifice
To see absolutely, the documentary one of 24 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003), price of the best documentary scientist and environment. In the months which followed the catastrophe of Tchernobyl, a million liquidators were requisitioned to try to confine the engine on fire. The testimony of some among them, the death of the majority in the general indifference.