For five and a half years we have maintained a daily presence (the Hippocratic Vigil) outside the headquarters of the WHO in Geneva. The aim of the vigil is to denounce the lies and cover-up by this international organisation on the subject of the health consequences of radioactive pollution. For the last 26 years WHO has done nothing to help the victims of Chernobyl, and is now abandoning the victims of Fukushima in the same way. We now believe it is important to address ourselves to those who are partly responsible for deciding WHO policy. It is for this reason [ Read More ]
The Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health from the UN Human Rights Council, Mr Anand Grover (India), will visit Japan from 15th to 26th November, 2012. This mission follows the visit to the UN in Geneva on 30th and 31st October by the Mayor of Futaba (Japan), Katsutaka Idogawa, and Toshio Yanagihara, a lawyer who represents children of Fukushima in a lawsuit demanding that the Japanese authorities evacuate them from the contaminated areas. The town of Futaba is located 3km from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant and is now uninhabitable. The visit by the Special Rapporteur was requested [ Read More ]
An anti-nuclear city like Geneva, what a dream it must be for the Mayor of Futaba, a small Japanese town 3km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. Futaba was wiped out by the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011. Because of the radioactivity the population will be unable to return for decades, if ever. The Mayor, Katsutaka Idogawa, came to Geneva at the end of October to testify at the UN Human Rights Council, along with Toshio Yanagihara, lead lawyer of the “Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial”. Mayor Idogawa was received on 30 October by the Mayor of Geneva, [ Read More ]
Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 288 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes [ Read More ]
Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 283 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes [ Read More ]
Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 279 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes [ Read More ]
Returning from a ten-day trip to Japan, Dr. Michel Fernex denounces the silence and the lies which threaten those people contaminated by the disaster of Fukushima. What did you learn from your meetings with professors from the Faculty of Medicine, Fukushima ? I met four professors from the university, working in the departments of cardiology, urology, internal medicine and ophthalmology: doctors who all seem unaware of the medical conditions that are linked to contamination. They were very surprised to be finding cases of myocardial infarction, diabetes, and eye diseases among young patients. I told them about Professor Bandajevsky’s work in [ Read More ]
Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 274 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes [ Read More ]
Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 270 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes [ Read More ]
Since 26th April 2007, IndependentWHO has held a Hippocratic Vigil every working day outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, to remind this international organisation of its constitutional duty to ensure “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”, which includes the area of health and radiation. The Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection, organised by IndependentWHO and held in Geneva on 12th and 13th May of this year, confirmed that in the case of Fukushima, just as with Chernobyl, the victims of nuclear disasters are currently unable to rely on the International Community, States or the [ Read More ]