
«The World Health Organisation (WHO) is failing in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination.»

The Vigil is held in front of the World Health Organisation (WHO) headquarters. It has been maintained every working day since the 26th April 2007 to remind this United Nations body of its duties as defined in its constitution.

20 - June - 2012
Scientific and Citizen Forum

On Saturday 12th May 2012, more than 200 people, who attended the Forum on Radioprotection, listened to an extremely full programme of speeches and presentations given by speakers from Japan, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland and France. “See the abstracts of presentations” On Sunday 13th May, the speakers from Saturday’s event, joined with politicians, representatives of associations, members of the public and members of IndependentWHO, to discuss the question “What can we do together to ensure that the truth about the health consequences of external radiation and internal radioactive contamination, that result from both the civil and military  [ Read More ]

14 - June - 2012
Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Paul Jobin, who has been monitoring workers at the Fukushima nuclear plant, provides an analysis of the Japanese government’s denial of the health implications for these workers and, more broadly, the long-term effects of the disaster. This censorship is, however, being challenged by the social mobilization that has followed, particularly on the Internet. ♦ Paul Jobin is an assistant professor at the Université Paris Diderot and leads the Taiwan branch of the French Center for the Study of Contemporary China (Centre d’Études Français sur la Chine contemporaine). He has written “Maladies industrielles et renouveau syndical au Japon” [Industrial Sicknesses and  [ Read More ]

31 - May - 2012
The Vigil for May 2012

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 266 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]

17 - May - 2012
The “Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection: from Chernobyl to Fukushima”

The “Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection: from Chernobyl to Fukushima”, organised by the collective ‘IndependentWHO – for the independence of the World Health Organisation(WHO), took place in Geneva on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May. Saturday 12th May was devoted to presentations by Dr Eisuke Matsui, Kolin Kobayashi, Aya Marumori, Wataru Iwata and Miwa Chiwaki (Japon); Dr Galina Bandajevskaia, Alexei Nesterenko and Vladimir Babenko (Belarus); Alexei Yablokov (Russia), Dr Youri Bandajevsyky (Belarus – now in Ukraine), Chris Busby (United Kingdom), Paul Lannoye (Belgium), Dr Michel Fernex (Switzerland) and Dr Sophie Fauconnier, Paul Jobin, Roland Desbordes and Michèle Rivasi (France).  [ Read More ]

30 - April - 2012
The Vigil for April 2012

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 262 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]

8 - April - 2012
Forum on radioprotection

IndependentWHO is organising a «  Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection : from Chernobyl to Fukushima » on May 12th 2012 in Geneva. The real health consequences of Chernobyl, and of all nuclear activities, have been covered up. The World Health Organisation, the international health authority, is subordinate to the nuclear lobby and has abdicated all responsibility in matters of radiation and health. With the Fukushima catastrophe, it is ever more urgent for citizens and independent scientists to assume responsibility together for research and information in this critical area of public health. The Forum, which will take place in Geneva, will bring  [ Read More ]

31 - March - 2012
The vigil for the month of march 2012

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 257 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]

29 - February - 2012
The vigil for the month of february 2012

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 253 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]

31 - January - 2012
The vigil for the month of january 2012

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 249 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]

31 - October - 2011
The vigil for the month of october 2011

Since April 26, 2007, the Hippocratic Vigil has been held outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, which now makes a total of 235 weeks without interruption. The vigil consists of a silent presence that aims to remind the World Health Organization of its obligations as set out in its constitution. We have added the name of Hippocrates to our description because of the ethical rules he instituted for health practitioners. As far as the protection of the health of people affected by the consequences of the nuclear industry is concerned, the World Health Organization ignores these rules. The Vigil takes  [ Read More ]