On “Nuclear Hotseat”, a full-length interview with Alison Katz of IndependentWHO on the history, politics and criminal negligence of the World Health Organization. She is a sociologist and psychologist who worked for WHO for 18 years and now is a spokesperson for the organization that wants WHO to do its job regarding nuclear dangers and international public health. Even if you think you understand this issue, you will be shocked by the specific instances where WHO has abdicated its power. You’ll also be inspired by an international tactic Alison Katz proposes which has the potential to turn this issue around.
“The WHO/IAEA Unholy Alliance and its Lies about Int’l Nuclear Health Stats”
Alison Katz of IndependentWHO – 17 September 2013
Nuclear Hotseat is the weekly international news magazine keeping you up to date on all things anti-nuclear. Produced and Hosted by Three Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy, each podcast contains: the week’s international nuclear news; at least one expert interview; ways to protect the physical health of yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of radiation exposure; and also activist opportunities.