Since 26th April 2007, IndependentWHO has held a Hippocratic Vigil every working day outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva, to remind this international organisation of its constitutional duty to ensure “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”, which includes the area of health and radiation.
The Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection, organised by IndependentWHO and held in Geneva on 12th and 13th May of this year, confirmed that in the case of Fukushima, just as with Chernobyl, the victims of nuclear disasters are currently unable to rely on the International Community, States or the Nuclear Power Companies to protect them.
The Vigil, which began in 2007, must continue to be maintained in order to draw the world’s attention to the plight of the victims and ensure that WHO fulfils its responsibilities by ending its complicity with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). In particular, we are demanding the revision of the WHO/IAEA Agreement (WHA 12-40) of 28th May 1959, so that WHO can regain its independence and warn States of the true dangers that radiation poses to health.
The team of volunteers who currently maintain the Vigil needs to be strengthened and increased. We are making this appeal in order to be able to continue our action outside WHO headquarters in Geneva as a constant reminder and as living witnesses to the suffering of the victims of nuclear radiation.
If you would like additional information, or if you would like to volunteer to take part in the Vigil, please contact Paul Roullaud by email at
or by telephone :
00 33 (0)240 87 60 47